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   The Self Service Kiosk (SSK) is a strategic investment that will yield additional revenue to the Airline/s on a year over year basis without adding a single seat to its capacity.  

   The SSK is not merely an expense item that produces boarding cards for passengers.   It really is a platform from which many revenue enhancing applications such as Up-sell, Cross-Sell and Merchandising can be launched.  These applications bring in the incremental revenue without adding seats to the airline's capacity.   

   SSK's also cut costs by speeding up passenger check-in, reducing Customer Service Agents, the number and size of airport ticket counters and the aircraft's turn-around time.  

   The SSK also helps improve the Customer's airport experience by allowing the customer to move from the airport entrance to their seat on the aircraft as quickly as possible.  

   A well architected SSK will continue to take on new functionalities and deliver bottom line results to the airline year over year.
For example , the Passport Scanner chosen by SSU Tech has a fixed footprint thereby not requiring the SSK and its millwork to be modified whenever the passport functionality changes. The passport scanner allows additional functionality by just adding electronics internally. This allows the scanner to read more than passports - it can also read various documents, for example, visas.   The Passport Readers can read Visas in multiple languages like English, Chinese, Spanish, and Korean. This allows you to deploy SSK's to new countries quickly.
